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Driving in your car >> With the windows down >> And the beat up stereo >> Struggle with this town >> Cuz you love to hate it >> But hate it to let it go >> And we're all alone >> And so tired of being underrated >> So don't take me home >> Cuz I feel alive when you come and save me >> In a yellow car >> We don't even have to go far >> Cuz that song you're playing sounds like peace on the radio >> And Casey when you go >> Can you come and find me >> Wanna be beside you when you leave this town >> I've been waving goodbye >> Pretending not to cry >> I want to be someone >> If you take me away >> All the pain will change >> Into a memory >> Of when we were amazing
>> Darren's official YouTube Channel
>> Darren's official Myspace (He personally posts there often)
Continue reading this post...I came upon this curious blog Indexed by Jessica Hagy. She uses math (typically XY line charts and set graphs) to parody or comment on social, political, funny, etc. issues. The format is simple and clean, each post has a post title and a graph. Check out these few graphs and if you like the idea check out her blog.
Continue reading this post...Ewan McGregor, Jennifer Garner, Jeremy Irons, John Stamos, Lucy Lawless, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Teri Hatcher among others also sing on the album. You can listen to audio samples here.
Continue reading this post...Nine Inch Nails - Only (video)
Lyrically, the song tells the story of the Fight Club character.
I'm becoming less defined, as days go by >> Fading away? Well you might say I'm losing focus >> Kind of drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself >> Sometimes, I think I can see right through myself >> Sometimes, I can see right through myself
Less concerned, about fitting into the world >> Your world that is, cause it doesn't really matter anymore >> No, it doesn't really matter anymore >> None of this really matters anymore
Yes, I am alone, but then again I always was >> As far back as I can tell, I think maybe it's because >> Because you were never really real to begin with >> I just made you up to hurt myself >> And it worked >> Yes it did!
There is no you, there is only me >> There is no fucking you, there is only me >> Only
Continue reading this post...Say goodbye to confusion whether the guy is single or married, straight or gay (damn these confusing metrosexuals) or whethere it's a girl or guy or transexual in the first place! The idea is simple, you wear your sexuality on one sleeve, and your availability status on the other. The cufflinks have an inner cylinder that you can turn to change accordingly (i.e., married when the wife is around, single when she is not).
On one wrist your options are:
straight, gay, curious, transsexual, bisexual, swinger
On the other wrist your options are:
single, desperate, adulterous, divorced, married, available
>> Buy them here
>> Dragonette on Myspace
>> Dragonette on YouTube
Continue reading this post...I am currently visiting Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for a few days. I need to process some documents at my embassy and I wanted to visit my brother who just got back from a trip back home in Syria. Kuala Lumpor is one of my favorite cities. It is a huge metropolitan with numerous skyscrapers and big buildings and malls yet it has beautiful greenery and gardens everywhere. And I just love using its transportation system; buses, monorail, shuttle trains, LRT; I hardly use taxis. I think I'm gonna visit KL alot more this year. Check out the beautiful Petronas Twin Towers, the world's tallest twin buildings at night!
>> Kuala Lumpor Wikipedia page
>> Kuala Lumpor Tourism page
>> Petronas Twin Towers Wikipedia page
Blimey... I want one! Watch the guided tour below.
Drool over it at Apple
Continue reading this post...Did you know that Robyn is the one singing backup vocals on Britney's current hit Piece of Me?
The connection? Piece of Me is written and produced by swedish team Bloodshy & Avant who happen to be friends with Robyn who hails from (surprise, surprise) Sweden.
Piece of Me just climbed to #2 on the official UK chart this week (14.01.2008). Even with zero promotional effort and only negative press (or is it because of it) people are still buying her record. I guess they are saying yes to Britney's "You want a piece of me?"
Funny bit : Just this last week (10.1.2008) Robyn had an interview with The Sun promoting her new Be Mine! single, and the headline was 'Don't Compare Me to Britney'.