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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Year Resolution: A Mistake!
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Creepily Good Pole Dancing Robots
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Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Anybody Seen My Baby?
Am I the only one who did not know about Angelina Jolie starring in the music video for the song "Anybody Seen My Baby?" by The Rolling Stones? The song is from their 1997 album 'Bridges to Babylon'.
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Top 50 Ad Campaigns in 2008
With the end of 2008, it is time to reflect on the top ad campaigns. Here is the Top 50 Ad Campaigns in 2008 by Trend Hunter magazine. The ranking is done according to the number of views a post had, so this list is kind of generated by the readers who made the trends popular not by editorial choice, which makes it more exciting. Quite a few of the ads in this list were featured here in this blog.
+ Top 50 Ad Campaigns in 2008 | Ad posts in Arab Aquarius
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Merry Slamming Christmas Messy Card
British design consultancy Boxer has created a very fun Christmas 2008 card using a slow-motion camera. The employees got cakes, turkeys and liquids slammed on their faces. Fun!!! Watch the video below.
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Monday, December 29, 2008
Trend Forecast in 2009
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Friday, December 26, 2008
Harvey Nichols Wallace & Gromit Ads
I always love Harvey Nichols ads and this one from earlier this year doesn’t disappoint. The campaign was photographed by Giles Revell for ad agency DDB London with characters from Wallace & Gromit as models.
+ see more Harvey Nichols ads | fashion | ads
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Kanye West Parody by Kevin Pereira
Kevin Pereira from G4 and Attack of The Show has done a parody of Kanye West’s excessive use of pitch auto-correction. Kevin explains, “Pitch auto-correction and a simple beat can make anything chart-worthy; even a freestyle about guacamole and expired milk.”
Reportedly, making the parody song "Kevye West: 808s & Expiration Dates (Guac Lockdown)" took fifteen minutes for the music, five minutes for the vocals, and the whole thing was created in GarageBand with standard built-in effects.
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Hope & Fear by Philip Toledano

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Thursday, December 25, 2008
Greenpeace Japan Whaling Tattoo Campaign
Greenpeace is following the example of PETA (see example) for using skin to raise awareness about issues. Greenpeace collaborated with Leo Burnett Hong Kong on these ads that use tattoos to illustrate the awfulness of the whaling process in Japan through traditional body art. The ads tell you, “Not all traditions deserve to be preserved. Put an end to whaling in Japan.”
Campaign Credits:
Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett Hong Kong, Creative Directors: Connie Lo, Chong Kin, Yiu Man To, Art Directors: Kenny Ip, Jacky Tong, Copywriters: Chong Kin, Jove, Cheung, Illustrator: Thomas Ho, Photographer: Lewis Ho, Photo Retoucher: Bon Leung.
+ Check out a similar body-art campaign by MTV & VIVA for PETA.
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Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Beautiful Day For Cancer!
Australian hip-hop artist Al Bino collaborated with Lyrics Born on the song ‘It’s a Beautiful Day for Cancer’ for an Australian skin cancer benefit project. It’s a rather unusual tongue-in-cheek style to raise awareness about cancer, but hey, anything that works to warn the youth of the danger of skin cancer and how we an avoid it is good in my book.
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Men as Pigs in Trojan Evolve Ad Campaign
Trojan has released new ads in their Evolve campaign which loosely translates into ‘men are pigs unless they use a condom, preferably a Trojan.’ Hey, women always complain about being portrayed in sexist and demeaning ways in advertising, so I guess we men can handle it once in a while.
Campaign Credits:
Executive Creative Director: Linda Kaplan Thaler
Creative Director: Jason Graff/Whitney Pillsbury
Copywriter: Jason Graff
Art Director: Whitney Pillsbury
Account Supervisor: Brad Kay
See an earlier video spot from the 2007 campaign (the above prints are new however)
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008
15 Cool Toys for Adults

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Cool Designs: Hangbag Keychain

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Monday, December 22, 2008
Wolverine HD Trailer & Images

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Sunday, December 21, 2008
Cool Solar Sunglasses Concept

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Saturday, December 20, 2008
Me & Kanye West Are Blog Buddies!

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Friday, December 19, 2008
Top 20 Billboards & Outdoors Ads of 2008
Trend Hunter magazine founder and chief editor Jeremy Gutsche has started rolling out the year-end countdowns, basically counting down the top 20 most viral trends in 2008 of a particular category. Here is the Top 20 Countdown of Billboards and Out of Home ads that includes billboards made of real money, buzzle billboards, hatching & growing billboards, and billboards made of over 8000 pictures of females in their bras!
+ Trend Hunter’s Top 20 Countdown of Billboards and Out of Home ads
If you’ve been following The Arab Aquarius for a while, you will notice that quite a few of these ads have made it here as well. See more Arab Aquarius ad posts.
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Thursday, December 18, 2008
Controversial Ads Mega Post
If you are looking for controversial ads then you HAVE to see the new cluster I created at Trend Hunter Magazine that collects over 160 ads and images from over 50 provocative ad campaigns that cross the line. You can browse through the slideshow or see all the pictures in one page.
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Robyn - Be Mine (Live Nobel Peace Prize 2008)

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Funny Red Model Faces

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Sunday, December 14, 2008
Anti-Trafficking PSA

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Friday, December 12, 2008
Diesel Gets Footy Fetishy In New Ad

Jon Kortajarena is not new to this scene, he was featured in a foot-fetish inspired ad in the recent Tom Ford Eyewear Spring/Summer 2008 campaign.

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Frozen 300

+ Watch the video in High Quality in its YouTube page
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Pepsi Raw Ads

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