Being in the computer science field (doing my PhD at the moment) it seemed fitting to use Hello World as the title of my first entry in this blog. Traditionally, Hello World is the first program you try when learning a new computer programming language. I’ve wanted to start this blog for quite some time, yet I have procrastinated and kept putting it off. Finally I decided that the first day of the New Year is the perfect time to start anew. Procrastination is truly one of my worst vices, and one that I am planning to defeat in 2008. However, this is not a New Year resolutions entry, I have too many vices that I need to overcome to be listed here!

So what is this blog about? Actually, I have no clue how to describe it other than being a mixed personal blog. Maybe with time it will morph into something specific or different, but for the time being my motivation to start this blog is my need for an outlet that allows me to do the following:
i. Keep my friends and contacts all over the world updated on what is going on in my life. I have been living abroad for the last 13 years in different countries, so it’s hard to keep in contact with them all individually on a regular basis. This is not a regular personal diary or journal, but I will blog about my life whenever something interesting happens.
ii. Discuss and share music, movies, news, gadgets, entertainment bits and pieces, and anything I find interesting. I steer away from politics, not for fear but for lack of interest. Yeah I am shallow, Bite Me.
iii. Have some kind of cyber ID that is more than just a profile page, something that will give a little glance into who and how I am. I read the news online; watch videos on YouTube and comment on articles; so I need a cyber place to call my own and be able to share that with the world. No longer will I leave a comment as Anonymous, it will be Aymarius. Plus, I imagine it would be great to have an archive where I can look back at the experiences and events that took place.
iv. It’s about damn time I had a blog. Everyone and their dog seem to have one these days, hehe.
I will try to update the blog regularly, at least on a weekly basis, probably more often. I invite you to join me in this adventure, bookmark this blog, check it each now and then and leave your comments or suggestions.
Happy New Year.
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