Dragonette is one of those rare bands that offer solid substance in a flashy shiny package. The Canadian band is fronted by beautiful female vocalist Martina Sorbara, and is currently based in London. Their 2007 album Galore is chock-full of fun upbeat and melodic songs. It's a shame it did not recieve enough attention and acclaim, as it was one of the best pop albums of last year. If fun sexy yet smart songs and videos are your cup of tea, then you will love Dragonette.

I Get Around was the first single. It is very catchy and has a fun video that matches its promiscous undertone ('I know your friends, you know mine too. Don't tell on me, I won't tell on you... I get around.. Here I come when I better go, I say Yes when I ought to say No').

Take it Like a Man was their second single and it has an extremely funny video that parodies classic porn movies, its one of favorite vids on 2007.

My absolute favorite from the album is True Believer, I dare you not to like it. It starts with mellow sound and sad lyrics
'I don't play well with the other kids, they know that I'm dangerous.
It's evident I'm different, my punishment is imminent.
They tell me that I'm no good, they say worse.
And I have got a curse, I know that its true'
then it morphs into pure joy
'But you, you make me better, you give me pleasure,
it's just your effect on me.
You make me sweeter, you give me fever
... Now I'm a believer. A true believer'
>> Dragonette on Myspace
>> Dragonette on YouTube
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